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Adobe Photoshop CS4 Training Course Intermediate

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Overview

After familiarising yourself with the basic image editing tools of Adobe Photoshop CS4, you may want to enhance images and work with videos. In this training course, you will work with the advanced tools and features available in Adobe Photoshop CS4.

Other Adobe Photoshop Courses.

Course Duration: 1 Day

Course Outline

Enhancing Images using Adobe Photoshop CS4

  • Retouch Images
  • Adjust Tonal Range Using Adjustment Layers

Working with Vector Paths in Photoshop

  • Create Vector Paths
  • Edit Paths

Applying Custom Fills in Photoshop

  • Create Swatches and Gradients
  • Create Custom Patterns and Brushes

Working with Layers in Photoshop

  • Blend Layers
  • Work with Shape Layers
  • Work with Masks
  • Apply Special Effects to a Layer

Automating Tasks in Photoshop

  • Work with Actions
  • Automate Tasks in Adobe Bridge

Working with Video Files using Phtoshop

  • Edit Video Files
  • Export Video Files

Integrating with Other Adobe Applications in Photoshop

  • Integrate with Adobe Illustrator
  • Edit a Photoshop File with Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Training Course Intermediate

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