Since 2002 Computer Tutoring has conducted IT training services to help you to make the most of your IT investment. As an employer or employee you would want to know how to fully utilise the software packages you currently have or intend to purchase. Thereby you can, not only ensure survival, but allow for expansion in all areas of your business, enabling security for you and your employees for your future. Boosted confidence, enthusiasm and increased productivity are the results!
Computer Tutoring will ensure that your training is:
Take your time. Browse through the list of course outlines, for one that suits you. If you require a tailored outline or simply want some advice on which course would be right for you please contact using our enquiry form.
If you decide to conduct an in-house tutoring service, Computer Tutoring can provide the computers, projector and any other equipment along with the licences for the software application you require training on.
Computer Tutoring – enjoy learning!
0800 158 3588
Company No. 4609675
VAT No. 924 0190 53
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