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Est. 2002
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Acrobat Training Videos

Acrobat Online Training

Some videos to help you with using adobe acrobat.

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Import Digital Signatures

This video will show you how to import a digital signature into a PDF document so that it becomes a trusted identity.

Export Digital Signatures

Export a digital signature so someone else can validate your documents.

Digitally Signing a PDF

Digitally sign a PDF using a digital signature thereby proving that the document came from you.

Creating Fillable Forms

A short video showing you how to create a fillable form in Acrobat. Afterwards you will distribute the form via email.

How to Fill in a PDF Form?

This video will show you how to fill in a PDF form so you can send it via email to the person who sent it.

How to Collect Data from a PDF form?

How do you collect data from a form that is distributed in Adobe Acrobat?

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