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Brampton Valley Homes

"Having 1-1 training with Simon was fantastic. He has an in-depth practical knowledge that I found really reassuring and no question was too ridiculous, especially when it related to something more specific to the company I work for. Illustrator is an extremely complicated tool and I feel that after a day with Simon, I have the tools build up on, with daily use of the software."


Live Online Illustrator "The course was really good. There were plenty of exercises that were supervised at the right pace. I was able to address some of the challenges that I struggle with in my day to day work."


"Very good. Just the confidence boost that I needed! I already knew some Illustrator but didn't quite have the confidence level I have with Photoshop and InDesign or for 3D work. Very relaxed environment, atmosphere, settled in really quickly and fun too. Instructions were clear and easy to digest. If I had any questions Simon was able to help or find a solution. The take away handbook was extra useful as I can always look back or contact them directly."

Royal Society of Chemistry

"Excellent course, 1 to 1 training is the way forward... trainer was incredibly knowledgeable & accommodating. There wasn't a single question he couldn't answer, I would recommend this course to others"

Adobe Illustrator CC Training Course Beginners

Adobe Illustrator CC Overview

You are inspired to design something. Something that will be used for business cards, brochures, magazines and on your company website. However you need to ensure that your design will appear professional and crisp even when enlarged on your printed materials such as a poster for an advertising campaign. You also need your picture to be the correct format for the web. Finally you don't want to have to repeat yourself or at least waste time converting your file from one format to the other.

This Illustrator training course will allow you to accomplish that elusive goal which is to create an image for all mediums.

What You'll Learn in this Illustrator Training Day

  • Navigate and customise the Adobe Illustrator interface for an efficient workflow
  • Create professional designs using basic and customised shapes
  • Draw and modify paths to create unique graphics
  • Work with text by adding, styling, and integrating it into designs
  • Customise objects with strokes, brushes, and graphic styles
  • Prepare your designs for print and web with confidence

Course Duration: 1 Day

Course Prerequisites:

No prior knowledge of Adobe Illustrator is required before going on this course. However having knowledge and skills in the following wouldn't go amiss:

  • Using a mouse well
  • Managing files

Also it would be a good idea to use a mouse, graphic tablet or some other device rather than the touch pad that comes with your laptop. Should make the day go smoother.

Course Outline

Introducing Adobe Illustrator

  • Apply design principles, elements, and graphics composition
  • Evaluate graphics scalability
  • Navigate the user interface
  • Customise the user interface

Creating Documents Containing Basic Shapes

  • Create documents
  • Save documents
  • Draw basic shapes
  • Add text to a document

Creating Documents Containing Customised Paths

  • Draw paths
  • Modify paths

Creating Graphics Containing Customised Text

  • Insert text
  • Apply flow text along a path
  • Insert bounded and threaded text
  • Apply text styles
  • Insert typographical characters

Customising Objects

  • Import, place, and link graphics
  • Alter the appearance of objects

Customising Basic Shapes with Illustrator

  • Apply strokes and brushes
  • Fill shapes
  • Apply graphics styles
  • Distort text with text envelopes
  • Use Pathfinder to create graphics

Preparing Documents for Deployment

  • Update text
  • Wrap text
  • Hyphenate text

Preparing Content for Print and Web

  • Prepare a document for print
  • Prepare a document for the web as a PDF

Other Related Courses

Other Adobe Illustrator Courses

Adobe Illustrator CC Training Course - Intermediate

Adobe Photoshop CC Training Course - Beginners

Adobe InDesign CC Training Course - Beginners

Post Course Resources

  • Comprehensive training notes and exercise files
  • Access to online training materials including video tutorials and keyboard shortcuts
  • 3 months of post training support which includes email, phone and screen sharing assistance

All you need to know about our Live Online Training.

Live Online Training

Additional Course Insights

Tools you will use:

Pathfinder Tool

Are your drawing skills up to scratch? Now be honest? An artist once told me that objects he draws are simply combined shapes, basically circles and squares joined together to make up a picture. That's where the pathfinder tool comes in. You can use it to create new shapes using the shape modes section. Or you can create combined paths that you can manipulate with the direct selection tool. Go to the pathfinder window then draw two circles on the page. Ensure that the circles overlap. Select both shapes with the Selection arrow then click on the Unite button to merge the shapes.Now you have a shape you could use as a binocular viewfinder or a set of cartoon eyes.

Try the same thing but this time use the divide button in the pathfinder window. Notice that it splits the shape into 3 parts. The parts are grouped however you can use the white direct selection arrow to click on the middle section and press delete to remove it. This way you can create some interesting shapes for computer logos, background graphics to use on business cards, leaflets and other stationery.

Adobe Illustrator CC Training Course Beginners

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