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Est. 2002
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Course Price: £ *
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£ .

1 Day

Location: Oxford
* Price is exclusive of VAT.

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Oxford Testimonials

Oxford Direct Services

The course went at a very nice pace. Gary was very informative and was always happy to take questions and help anyone that was stuck during the course. As someone that usually works on site, this was very different to my day to day routines. Very happy to have taken part in this course and feel like i have learnt lots

Oxford Direct Services

Excellent, course was tailored to suit my level as we went along. learnt lots of new things and would highly recommend. All very well explained too.

Nagano Industry

"The training was very good,Taking time to explain any questions I had and to make sure I understood. I found the two day course very informative and enjoyable."


Excellent. Very helpful in terms of how to use the program in real work situations rather than just an overview of all the things it's capable of but which may not be relevant to our needs.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Training Course Oxford Intermediate

Intermediate Adobe Photoshop CS5 Training Course training course in Oxford - Radcliffe Camera

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Training Course Intermediate Oxford

The university town of Oxford. They say that people go to Cambridge to study science, and Oxford to study politics. Whatever the reason, Oxford a fantastic place to conduct your Intermediate Adobe Photoshop CS5 Training Course training course.

Other training courses in Oxford.

Photoshop Training Course Oxford Intermediate Overview

During this 1 day training course you will enhance your ability to create accurate masks and image effects, retouch images, work with video files, automate repetitive tasks, and integrate with other Adobe applications.

Other Adobe Photoshop Courses.

Length of Course: 1 Day

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Training Course Oxford Intermediate

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