Computer Tutoring Logo
Est. 2002
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Course Price: £ *
Price Per Head:
£ .

1 Day

* Price is exclusive of VAT.

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"The training was really detailed. Simon as great and took questions throughout which let us adapt the training to what we needed it for. For me I need to put the training to the test as I had never used the software before today. Its a big eye opener as even doing a process for my morning routine I struggled to put it down into a process."


"Great, tutor was really enthusiastic and funny which made the training engaging and interesting"

World Vision UK

"The course was very informative and interesting, this is the first time I have used this programme and enjoyed the learning. The tutor was very clear and patient. The training came at the right time as I will be able to use this with the new Recruitment Process Mapping etc that is due for updating."


"Brilliant, it was fun and we were kept on our toes. Brilliant way of training."

Microsoft Visio 2003 Training Course Beginners

Microsoft Visio 2003 Overview

This Visio training course will enable you to create a flowchart, an organization chart, directional maps, block diagrams, layouts and floor plans. When you've completed the course, you will have a firm grasp of all of the skills needed to create any kind of diagram using Visio.

Course Duration: 1 Day

Course Outline

An Overview of Microsoft Visio 2003

  • Visio Documents
  • Elements of the Visio Window
  • Visio Navigation

Basic Skills: Creating a Directional Map using Visio

  • Using Stencils
  • Saving Files
  • Manipulating Shapes
  • Adding Text
  • Stacking Order

Basic Diagram Skills in Visio 2003

  • Enhancing Productivity
  • Managing Shapes
  • Applying Styles

Flowcharts in Visio 2003

  • Connecting Shapes
  • Page Styles
  • Cross-functional Flowcharts

Organization Charts using Visio 2003

  • Creating an Organization Chart
  • Organization Chart Data Wizard

Floor Plan in Visio 2003

  • Creating an Office Layout
  • Drawing Scale

Classroom based Beginners Visio Prices from:

If you are interested in this classroom based course but want to know the price beforehand then use the following form to calculate how much.

Training Delivery
Number Students?
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Offsite training?

Course Price: £ *
Price Per Head:
£ .

1 Day

* Price is exclusive of VAT.

If you are interested in this course fill out the following form for further details:

Live Online Classroom
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Microsoft Visio 2003 Training Course Beginners